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Flirt Radar 1.0.5
Flirt Radar - drink or something more ...?Flirt Radar is an application that will help you to findinteresting people.Select what now captures your emotions, what do you want rightnow:- Meeting- Drink- Flirt- Flirt++Flirt Radar searches for those people who are "tuned" as well asyou.The rest is just your charm :)EXTENDED VERSION:- Interactive map with possible "guys"- Audio and video alers to new objects in your area- Notification settings (meet, drink, flirt, flirt ++)- List of objects in your areaAre you interested in possible flirts within a radius of forexample 1 mile?In this case, the extended version of the application is suitablefor you.Extended version pricing:information regarding non-consumable In-App Purchase:- Title of service: Flirt Radar Alerts- Price: 0,89 EUR / one time payment- Non-consumable In-App Purchases only need to be purchased once byusers.If you like this app, please take some time to write a nicereview!Thank you for your support.
Server.sk 2.0
Mobilná aplikácia siete Server.sk obsahujeaktuálne informácie v podobe noviniek, správ, článkov a recenzií.Kompletné informácie vrátane inzercie, profilu užívateľa a pod. súdostupné na adrese http://server.sk/.
Medicinskatechnika.cz 2.0
Široký výběr zdravotnické techniky apříslušenství.Aplikace vám umožňuje seznámit se s nabídkou zdravotnickétechniky a pohodlný nákup přímo z mobilního telefonu, nebo tabletubez nutnosti otevírat internetový prohlížeč. V přehledné nabídce sebudete snadno a rychle orientovat. Využijte výhod aplikaceMedicinskatechnika.cz a zpříjemněte si nákup a ušetřete svůjčas.Seznamte se s aplikací Medicinskatechnika.cz- v nabídce 500 položek zdravotnických přístrojů apříslušenství- podrobné informace u každé položky včetně obrázků- možnost z výběru dopravy, i osobního odběru- rychlá navigace a řazení- Prostředí uzpůsobené pro iOS a AndroidPřístroje pro rehabilitaci, magnetoterapie, aplikace CO2, EKG,defibrilátory, holtery, pulsní oxymetry,elektrochirurgie,elektrokoagulátory, kryochyrurgie,kryosprej,manipulace LN2,dewarovy nádoby,termochirirgie TEK 1,epilátory, léčba jizev, léčba akné, léčba lupénky, přístroje proveterinární lékaře, rázová vlna, výkonové lasery.Wide selection of medicalequipment and accessories.Application allows you to become aware of medical technology andeasy purchase directly from a mobile phone or tablet withoutopening a web browser. In a clear offer you quick and easy tonavigate. Benefit applications and Medicinskatechnika.cz Enhanceyour purchase and save your time.Familiarize yourself with Medicinskatechnika.cz- Menu of 500 items of medical equipment and accessories- Detailed information on each item, including images- The possibility of choosing transportation, and personalcollection- Quick navigation and sorting- Environment adapted for iOS and AndroidDevices for rehabilitation, magnetic therapy, application ofCO2, ECG, defibrillators, Holter, pulse oximeters, electrosurgery,elektrokoagulátory, kryochyrurgie, kryosprej, handling LN2, Dewars,termochirirgie TEK 1, epilators, treatment of scars, acne,psoriasis treatment, veterinary instruments doctor, shock wave,high-power lasers.
Liptov Guide 1.0
The application contains the followingcategories:★ Museums★ Sightseeings★ Galleries★ Theatres★ Malls★ AirportFunctions:★ all facilities are on map★ opening hours, time remaining to opening or closing of particularfacility★ facility description★ picture gallery★ contact information★ list with possibility★ navigationWe hope you will find this application useful. Thank you.
Výdaje 2.04
Víte kolik jste utratili poslední týden?Vyzkoušejte aplikaci Expenses.to. Zdarma.- bezplatné sledování rodinných výdajů, anonymní přístup amobilní verze- možnost nastavení automatických výdajů a plateb, které je třebauhradit- evidence měsíčních příjmů a každodenních potřeb- historie výdajů a podrobné statistikyPro bližší informace navštivte http://expensesto.com.Expenses.to - výdaje pod kontrolou.REGISTRUJTE se BEZPLATNĚ a využívejte výhody okamžitě https://sk.expenses.to/.Jaké výhody získáte:- Bezplatná registrace- Žádné měsíční poplatky- Optimalizace budoucích výdajů- Podrobná statistika výdajů- Mobilní aplikace pro iPhone / iPad / iPod- Mobilní aplikace pro Android- Rozšířený profilS pozdravemExpenses.tovýdaje pod kontrolouDo you know how much youspent last week? Try Expenses.to application. Free.- Free family expenditure tracking, anonymous access and mobileversion- Adjustment of automatic payments and expenses, to be paid- Evidence of monthly income and everyday needs- History of expenditure and detailed statisticsFor more information, visit http://expensesto.com.Expenses.to - spending under control.Sign up for free and take advantage of the benefits immediatelyhttps://sk.expenses.to/.What are the benefits you get:- Free registration- No monthly fees- Optimization of future expenditures- Detailed statistics expenditure- Mobile Application for iPhone / iPad / iPod- Mobile Application for Android- Extended ProfileRegardsExpenses.tospending under control
Čističi.sk 1.1
Objednajte si umytie vášho vozidla priamo cezváš smartphone. Naša firma ponúka kompletné čistenie interiérov aexteriérov osobných vozidiel, vanov a motocyklov. Pri ručnomumývaní vozidiel dbáme na vysokú kvalitu poskytovaných služieb,preto používame profesionálne rady čistiacich prostriedkov.Order wash your cardirectly through your smartphone. Our company offers completeinterior cleaning and exterior of cars, vans and motorcycles. Washby hand vehicles we strive to provide high quality of services, whywe use professional advice cleaners.
Výdavky 2.04
Viete koľko ste minuli posledný týždeň?Vyškúšajte aplikáciu Expenses.to. Bezplatne.- bezplatné sledovanie rodinných výdavkov, anonymný prístup amobilná verzia- možnosť nastavenia automatických výdavkov a platieb, ktoré trebauhradiť- evidencia mesačných príjmov a každodenných potrieb- história výdavkov a podrobné štatistikyPre bližšie informácie navštívte http://expensesto.com.Expenses.to – výdavky pod kontrolou.REGISTRUJTE sa BEZPLATNE a využívajte výhody okamžite https://sk.expenses.to/.Aké výhody získate:- Bezplatná registrácia- Žiadne mesačné poplatky- Optimalizácia budúcich výdavkov- Podrobná štatistika výdavkov- Mobilná aplikácia pre iPhone / iPad / iPod- Mobilná aplikácia pre Android- Rozšírený profilS pozdravomExpenses.tovýdavky pod kontrolouDo you know how much youspent last week? Try Expenses.to application. Free.- Free family expenditure tracking, anonymous access and mobileversion- Adjustable automatic payments and expenses to be paid- Evidence of monthly income and everyday needs- History of expenditure and detailed statisticsFor more information, visit http://expensesto.com.Expenses.to - spending under control.Sign up for FREE and enjoy the benefits immediately https://sk.expenses.to/.How you benefit:- Free registration- No monthly fees- Optimization of future expenses- Detailed statistics on expenditure- Mobile application for iPhone / iPad / iPod- Mobile application for Android- Extended profileYoursExpenses.tospending under control
Road Radar 1.0.19
Road Radar - save your money. Don’t pay thepenalty anymore.Road Radar is application that offers you a lot of usefulinformation during the journey by car.Let you comfortably informed of any relevant information suchas:- traffic accidents- road closures- traffic restrictions- traffic jams- patrols- speed controlsAlso you can comfortably measure your current speed through thespeedometer (mph or kmh). Basic version of application is forfree.EXTENDED VERSION:- interactive map with alerts- sound and visual alerts (patrols, speed controls, traffic jams,accidents)- setting of alerts (type of alert, active radius)- speed limit alerts (sound)- setting of speed limit alertsAre you interested in traffic restrictions within a radius offor example 3 miles?In this case, the extended version of the application is suitablefor you.Extended version pricing:information regarding non-consumable In-App Purchase:- Title of service: Road Radar Alerts- Price: 0,89 EUR / one time payment- Non-consumable In-App Purchases only need to be purchased once byusers.If you like this app, please take some time to write a nicereview!Thank you for your support.
ALMANACH ZENTIVA poskytuje užívateľovimožnosťvyhľadania produktu na základe názvu, účinnej látky, šuklkódu,diagnózy resp. špecializácie lekára.ALMANACH ZENTIVAallowsthe user to search for products on the basis of the name,activeingredient, SIDC code, or diagnosis. specialtyphysician.
Ganemo.sk 1.07
Bezplatné sledovanie priemernejspotreby,priemerných a celkových nákladov na prevádzkuvozidla/motorky,podrobné štatistiky, aktuálne ceny pohonnýchhmôt.
Watchee 1.0.2
Watchee application is a social networkforpeople who want to publish their spendings. Our userssharepictures what they are buying or selling with other users.Userscan comment pictures each other. Watchee application is newtrendfor shopaholics. Each person like to show off their food,newclothes, jewelry, cars and other things.Watchee application isasocial network for people who want to publish their spendings.Ourusers share pictures what they are buying or selling withotherusers. Users can comment pictures each other. Watcheeapplicationis new trend for shopaholics. Each person like to showoff theirfood, new clothes, jewelry, cars and other things.
UltraLux 1.1
LED osvetlenie a produktyznačkyUltraLux.LED lighting productsandULTRALUX.
Hudobny.sk 1.0.1
Hudobný.sk - tučný obchod s hudbou.Neplaťte už veľa za hudobné CD, DVD alebo BluRay titulyvkamenných obchodoch.Hudobný.sk - boldmusicstore.Do not pay it much for music CDs, DVD or BluRay titles inourstore.
Filmovy.sk 1.0.1
Filmový.sk - tučný obchod s filmami.Neplaťte už veľa za filmové DVD alebo BluRay tituly vkamennýchobchodoch.Filmový.sk - boldtradewith movies.Do not pay for a lot longer movie DVD or BluRay titles inourstore.
Expenses.to 3.0
How much did you spent last week?UseExpenses.to, spending under control. It's for Free.- track your monthly family expenses for free- bill reminder notification option- track of your monthly incomes and everyday necessities- daily expenses records and detailed statisticsFor more details visit: http://expensesto.com or usewebversion.Expenses.to – Spending under control.REGISTER now for FREE and enjoy the benefits immediatelyathttps://en.expenses.to.Benefits:- Free registration- No monthly fees- Optimization of future expenditures- Detailed statistics of expenditures- Free Mobile app for iPhone / iPad / iPod- Free Mobile Application for Android- The extended profileBest regardsExpenses.tospending under control
AFG.sk 1.1
Nakupujte rýchlo a pohodlneprostredníctvomnašej mobilnej aplikácie.Shop quickly andeasilythrough our mobile applications.